Saturday, May 19, 2012

Summer is Here

We've now hit over 100 degrees for the last two weeks.  I think summer has arrived early this year.  We've taken advantage of it and had lots of fun playing in the water.  I can't believe it's already so hot and it's only May.  This morning I took Logan to the park to play before it got to hot.  We did grocery shopping last night so that our groceries would stay cooler on the drive home. I play tennis early in the morning or late at night to avoid the heat.  We've stocked up on ice cream sandwiches (Ricky and Logan's favorite) and other frozen treats. We just make due. I've actually been looking forward to it!
Summer is here!

1 comment:

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

That sounds all too familiar. Otter pops are also a big hit around here.