Wednesday, April 4, 2012

CA Trip - Part II

Monday was the big day...Disneyland!  We got there first thing in the morning and the plan was to just go as long as we could. Since it was March and spring break for many, the park was fairly crowded although we really did a lot.  We started off in Fantasyland with Peter Pan. We quickly became...those parents.  You know the kind that forces their screaming child to wait in line to go on a ride while everyone looks and stares at you, thinking either how ridiculous we are or feeling totally sorry for us. Yep, that kind.  Logan didn't quite understand how it all worked.  He just wanted to run freely and since it was the first ride of the day he didn't realize what exactly he was waiting in line for.  Once we got through a couple of lines and rides he started to get the hang of it. I also have to remind myself that he's just two.  That's what two year olds do. 

This trip was a little extra special because it was the first trip to Disneyland that Lincoln was tall enough to go on the big rides.  Mom was a great help and took Logan while Ricky and I took Lincoln on the bigger rides.  Those big rides for Lincoln included, Star Tours (which was his favorite and he went on it twice) Space Mountain and Soarin Over CA.  While we were on Space Mountain Grammy took Logan on It's a Small World, which actually broke down and after a good hour they were evacuated. 

We did about a dozen or more rides, watched the parade, saw a fun Phineas and Ferb show,  the Star Wars show and even snuck a 90 minute nap in for the boys while the three adults rested in the animation building. I couldn't believe we had made it from about 7:30 am to 10:00 pm at the park.  It was better than I expected but those boys were sure beat.  Logan is now asking to go back to "Disneywand" but I think given how draining it was to deal with him at the park he may have to wait until he's three to go back! We had a fantastic day. It was a lot of work but also a ton of fun and definitely worth all the memories we made. 
 Welcome to the Magic Kingdom. 
 Grammy was a huge help all day and we loved spending the day with her. 
 Both boys really loved riding in the Casey Jr. train.  
 We were in with the caged animals...which was probably appropriate for that point in the day. 

 Lincoln's favorite ride used to be the carousel but that's now been replaced with Space Mountain and Star Tours. 
 Poor daddy can't do the rides that go round and round - they make him sick so I got to take both boys!

 I think by this point Logan was definitely on sensory overload and just decided to chill out. 
 The interactive rides were more fun for Logan. He got to spin our ship around. 
I love this picture.  He's just trying to figure it all out. 
Lincoln knew exactly what to do with his astro blaster. 
 Lincoln was excited to drive his own car. 
 Logan tried to help me drive but it didn't work out so well.  He couldn't see over the steering wheel so I ended up driving and Logan just enjoyed the ride.
Star Tours - Lincoln's first time. 
 Lincoln in line for his first time on Space Mountain. 
Daddy sat next to him to hold him in tight. 
 Even as a grown adult my favorite thing still about Disneyland are the characters.  I think it's magical to see children react and interact with them.  Logan too loves the characters.  He has no fear and loves to play with them. He would have been with the characters all day if we let him. 
 Logan, meet Jake. 
 He is a little rough with them but it's all out of excitement. 
 Lincoln was so tired he could barely stand up. 
 Tell me there isn't magic in this picture!?  Logan's happiest times of the day was when he was with a character. 
 After about 30 minutes of listening to the music in the animation building we had success. 
I was able to rock these guys to sleep and let them rest of the benches while Mom and I visited.

 Logan wanted to dance with them while Lincoln just hung out and watched. 
Phineas & Ferb
Logan and Daddy on the new Ariel ride. 
 On the Sun Wheel in DCA.

 Simply magical.  Logan loved Pluto. 

I love that he was trying to play with his tongue and look in his mouth. Too cute!
 Daddy and Logan watching the fireworks while Grammy and Lincoln were on Star Tours.  By the end of the day everyone was tired and ready to head back to the hotel for some much needed sleep. 
 Not a bad family picture for 10:00 pm after a full day and Disneyland.
We seem to never get donuts unless we're on vacation.  On the way out of town, heading home, we stopped by a Dunkin donuts for breakfast. Yummy. 

The boys systematically eat their donuts - bit only the top half of the donut so you only eat the part with the frosting. 
Lincoln picked a light saber as his souvenir.  Ricky helped him build it so it was exactly how he wanted it.  Logan ended up with the blue one as his souvenir so it could be like brothers.  Lincoln was just modeling both of them. 

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