Wednesday, April 4, 2012

CA Weekend Part 1

Logan has been walking around the house for months saying, "I wanna go Disneywand." We decided that last weekend was a good time to get away for a quick weekend trip to Southern Cali. We drove up on Saturday and met our friends, the Rizzo's for dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. It was great to see them and Lincoln loved playing with Vincent who is just four days younger than he is.  Logan didn't feel well, (I think he had some tummy pains) so he struggled to be happy but he made it through.  Dinner and beignets in Downtown Disney has sort of become a little tradition for us and the Rizzo's now when we come to CA.

When we told Lincoln that we were going to California he asked if we were going to see the ocean. He's only been a handful of times but he seems to really love it.  We met up with Mom and took her with us. The weather was cold, windy and rainy so unfortunately we knew our visit would last long. We walked through the sand and put our feet in the water and after a few minutes Lincoln's lips were purple and he was shivering. He could barely muster up enough energy to ask to go back to the car. We staying for a few more minutes to play in the sand, collecting sea shells on the way back to the car. I wish it would have been a nice day so we could've had a longer more enjoyable visit although the boys seemed to have fun for the short time we were there.
Later that afternoon we went to Tevye's house for Sunday taco dinner. I almost didn't see Lincoln the entire time we were there because he was tucked away with his cousins in their room playing Legos. He was in heaven having boys his age to play Legos with. It was the first time that Rick and the boys had gotten to meet Danica.  The boys both said hi but weren't too impressed...they had Legos and other cools toys that they deemed more important at that moment.  It was pretty funny. It was a great visit with everyone and I'm glad we had even that little time to spend together. 

There are always more people in CA that we want to see and visit but unfortunately this was a short trip, specifically intended to go to Disneyland so we'll have to make the rounds next time. 
 My baby is growing up.  I love to look at him when he is peacefully sleeping.  Lucky guy ended up with a full bed all to himself at the hotel.
 Notice there isn't anyone at the beach. Such a cold and gloomy day.  I think is is almost identical to my picture from our CA beach trip in 2010 when we went for the boys birthdays.
 In the car getting ready to face the cold.  Grammy kept the boys entertained on the car ride to the beach with lots of little goodies.
 Lincoln really wanted to go in the ocean but he was sad it was so cold.  He's only 35 pounds so he gets cold fast.
 Caden (8) Lincoln (4) and Vance (5) and they all got along very well.
 Danica LOVED her Baby Banana Brush.  We brought it for her and she used that thing for a good hour straight.  She's teething and it was perfect for her.  By the end of that hour she was an adorable slobbery mess.
 What a difference two years makes. Logan wasn't so sure what to make of his baby cousin.  He just sat by her for a few minutes and watched her before he ran back for more toys.
 Tony and Ricky talking Legos.
Tony and Calee 
Dana working on tacos. 
Tev is going through a ZZ Top beard phase. 
Legos, Legos, Legos. 

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