Monday, May 14, 2012

Anniversary Date Night

We had a simple but very nice anniversary celebration this year.  There is a local Broadway Theatre not far from us that I've been wanting to go to for some time. It's a dinner theater and an all night event so I figured our anniversary would be a great reason to try it out.  We had pretty good seats - our table was just a couple of rows back and the dinner was quite tasty.  The performance was of Tarzan and I was surprised at how elaborate the set was considering the size of the venue and the budget I'm sure they're working with.  It definitely wasn't up to par with Broadway in NYC but all things considering it was very good.  The main four characters were all very strong, the costumes were great and the rest of the ensemble were okay.  It was a very enjoyable experience and definitely a great memory for Ricky and me. We had a great time and we look forward to going back in the future.

Ricky wasn't so quick to jump into the picture with a shirtless guy so he offered to take the picture instead. 

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