- sold our first home
- trip to London
- Lincoln finished 1st grade and started 2nd grade
- trip to Seattle and Alaska
- my friend Sandy was diagnosed with ALS
- I injured my ankle
- Logan's vocabulary expanded rapidly
- Grandpa Darryl passed away
- my tennis team went to sectionals
- our niece Miranova was born
- trip to Idaho for six weeks over summer
- Logan learned to write his name
- Lincoln started karate and has advanced to high orange belt
- bought our new home (wishing we had moved in this year also but will do so soon!)
- Ricky traveled to Israel
- I picked up the Preferred staffing team at work which has been a lot of extra time and effort
- boys birthday trip to Universal and Disneyland
- Christmas in San Diego
We ate the last meal of 2014 at Pei Wei...my favorite! We threw a few pop-it's in the street and lit a few sparklers until it started to rain. The boys were up until 10:30 and Ricky and I spent the evening enjoying a movie together. Unfortunately we don't have TV in the rental house so we missed watching the ball drop this year. Overall it was a great day and a wonderful way to celebrate together.
2015 is shaping up to be an exciting and busy year for us. We are looking forward to it. Mostly I feel very blessed for all that we have...health, my boys, family, friends, employment and so much more. Thank you 2014 for a great year and here's to 2015!