Saturday, April 9, 2011

That Stage

On April 4th Ricky picked Lincoln up from school only to be greeted by his teacher who had a little slip of paper in hand.  That slip of paper turned out to be an Incident/Accident Report for the Parent.  We've gotten these before when he accidentally got hurt or when another kid has done something to him.  This time we were the recipients of it because Lincoln bit another kid.  I couldn't believe it. His teacher said most kids go through the biting stage at about 2 years old. We never went through it. Lincoln has never been a biter.  We were shocked.  This was the first time at school this had ever happened.
Needless to say Lincoln had a nice stern talking to on the way home from school.  He didn't get dessert after dinner that night (cookies that he was eagerly waiting for since that morning) his iphone and Legos were also put on time out for a week.  It's just not one of those things we can tolerate.  I'm hopeful that he will learn his lesson with all of this.  He is really a good kid at school and loves to play with the other kids so I'm thinking this is an isolated one time incident.  Luckily I don't believe it's "that stage."  I still think we've escaped that.

This is a letter that we had Lincoln write to his teacher.  We thought it would be a good consequence for him along with his favorite toys being on time out. Hopefully this is the last of these types of letters!

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