Thursday, June 23, 2011

Our Family

Our situation isn't the most traditional but it works for us.  Ricky was in court reporting school and I was already established in my career when we decided to have kids. We knew we definitely wanted one of us to stay home and given the situation, it made sense for me to continue working and Ricky became a stay at home dad once Lincoln came along. I've always had flexibility with my job and started working from home consistently about four years ago. I love working from home.  I had to learn how to do it successfully over the years but it really is a great blessing.  I can eat lunch with the boys, help put them down for naps if needed.  I'm here when Logan is sleeping if Ricky needs to go pick up Lincoln  or run an errand.  It provides a great deal of flexibility. I also have no commute and little prep time so I have more time with my family.
Because of our situation, it allows our family to be together A LOT. I know a lot of couples that would struggle if they spent as much time together as Ricky and I do.  I know a lot of women who essentially have the lifestyle of a single mom because their husbands are working so much out of the home. Not that it's anyone persons fault if that's the case but it's just what they've grown used to.
This week with Ricky gone I've done a lot of thinking and it's been very eye opening for me. I miss him.  Funny enough...I need him. (It's funny because I consider myself a very independent person.) Ricky and I have been apart before. I think the longest was for 12 days. I'm enjoying my time off work and with the boys.  We've done a lot of fun activities, accomplished some projects and had great one on one time but it's just not the same as when daddy's around.
What I realized this time though is that even though we sometimes want and need a short break from each other or the boys, our situation is really a blessing.  We love spending our time together as a family.  We love being able to support each other in raising our children together.  I love that neither of us have to miss out on important milestones in the boys' lives.  I always love some time to myself; I think it's important for both Ricky and me to have that.  Everyone needs that alone time but when given the option/chance, I want to spend my time with Ricky. I hope one day our boys will appreciate the fact that we are able to be around as much as we are.  I feel lucky. I'm blessed in many ways and I am grateful for my family.
I took this of the boys right before Ricky left on his ride. 

Ricky sent this from Mt. Rushmore today. 

1 comment:

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

We are definitely envious of your situation. We hope to have Troy work at home soon too. I'm glad you guys have been able to make it work. It is hard to be on your own for that long. Good luck!!