Thursday, September 8, 2011

Logan - First Day in "School"

On Tuesday Logan started a daycare/pre-school type class that he will be attending three days a week.  He was so excited to get into his new class and see the new toys and kids.  We are really excited for him because I think he was starting to get bored being at home and the structure and time away from mom and dad will be really good for him.
It was a year ago that we started Lincoln there and it was perfect.  He excelled and I expect that Logan will do the same. I know I always say that time flies...but it does!  Logan is growing up so quickly and I think being in school will help with that process. Soon enough he will be potty trained and then we will be out of diapers!! With both boys in school for a few hours, Ricky finally has a couple hours to himself a couple days a week, during the day, and he is REALLY happy about that.  After dropping Lincoln off he came up to my office with the biggest grin on his face.  Bottom's good for everyone!
 Big boy on the morning he first went to school! 
 Daddy has the boys schedule down and is making trips all over town in the mornings between two different schools and the gym. 
Lincoln was excited for Logan and was trying to talk to him about school.  Then he got silly.

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