Thursday, October 13, 2011

Never A Dull Moment

Urgent Care, doctors, stitches, medicine...that's how we spent our morning.  About 9:00 this morning Ricky got a call from Logan's daycare that he had been hurt and we needed to go pick him up.  Apparently his pinky finger had been caught in the hinge of a gate out on the playground. That resulted in a pretty good cut on the bottom of his pinky finger, from his top knuckle to the tip of his finger. His fingernail had been smashed pretty badly and the skin on the top of his finger around the nail had been scraped off.  We were most worried about him losing his fingernail so we picked him up and headed straight to Urgent Care.

They were able to numb his finger, clean it, put in several stitches and then bandage it up.  He will lose his fingernail but the trick is for it to stay on as long as possible so a new nail will grow before this one falls off.  My poor baby was in a lot of pain when someone touched it but as expected he was quite a trooper and survived it all.  Stitches will come out in 11 days. The little guy couldn't even make it to two before stitches!  I have a feeling that will not be our last Urgent Care visit for him.


Rough day for this poor little guy.  Sometime you just need a binky and a blanket. 


The King Family said...

Poor Lincoln! We are always getting little fingers caught in doors around here, but fortunately we haven't had to make any urgent care trips. Hope he is doing better.

The King Family said...

Oops! I mean, "Poor Logan"! Sorry!

Ligia said...

Oh sad. He is quite the trooper though. Kids are resilient.