Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Conversations With Lincoln

This conversation took place in the car on our way home after a long day of errands.  Oh how children can humble you.

Ricky: "There are too many freakin' birds in our neighborhood."  (He was referring to what we feel like is a pigeon infestation.)
Lincoln: "Don't say that word."
Ricky: "There are so many dumb birds."
Lincoln (in a stern and defensive voice): "Don't say that word.  Those are Heavenly Father's birds - don't call them dumb."
We were running errands, in fact Christmas shopping for Lincoln when this conversation took place.

Ricky: "I'm going to take Logan and you take Lincoln."
Me: Okay, Lincoln let's go."
Lincoln: "I don't want to go with you. I want to go with Dad was (his substitution for because) I love him."
Ricky: "You love mommy too.  Be nice to mommy."
Lincoln: "Well I love Logan, and mommy and me and daddy but I love daddy the most."

1 comment:

Freckles Phillips said...

I love these "conversations with Lincoln". He is too smart!