Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spirit Week

Lincoln got to participate in his schools spirit week last week.  Unfortunately he was sick on Tuesday so he didn't participate in crazy sock day and Wednesday was mismatch day and I didn't take pictures but he was excited to have a new theme everyday.  Thursday was crazy hair day and Friday was luau day.  He thought it was so fun and liked seeing the other kids dressed up too.
 Not much else I could do with his short hair. 

 Brother wanted to get in on the picture action. 
 Special moment.  These moments don't happen everyday!
 I realized the night before we didn't really have a lot of luau attire for Lincoln. 
 He got to borrow mom and dad's special necklaces that we got in Hawaii on our honeymoon.
He got this hat from a previous activity at school and I was glad we still had it. 

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