Friday, August 24, 2012

Annual Idaho Visit

To escape the summer heat of Phoenix we headed to Idaho at the end of June. We've made St. George our stopping point for trips to and from Pocatello.  Keeping the boys entertained for a few hours at the hotel is always interesting.  This time we played ball, watched the Olympics and Lincoln watched a movie on the ipad. 

The first we were in Inkom was quite busy. We celebrated July 4th by attending the local parade and going into town for lunch. The weekend was spent celebrating Sandi's birthday with Ricky's siblings and their families. It was pretty hectic and crazy with that many people but we were still able to enjoy some visiting. We tried to fit in as many outside activities as we could since it was fairly nice summer weather. 
 Grandma Tutu started the party off with lunch and a pinata. 
 Logan taking a swing at Tutu's pinata. 
 and Lincoln...
 And after the older boys had a turn it finally broke open. 
 Tutu's PJ's we got her. 
 Tutu's festive birthday cake. 
 Marci, Sierra and Barratt

 Kristin and Spencer
 Uncle Spencer flew a remote controlled plane over the property.
 Logan and cousin Lea
 Lincoln has really taken to the ipad.  He found some new games recently and he took turns with the cousins. 
 Grandma Tutu and the grandkids.
 Brothers. I can see Lincoln and Logan pulling this when they are 40 too. 
Brayden, Sam and Jay.  The older boys were good to try and include Lincoln in the fun as often as possible.
Lincoln Barratt with Uncle Barratt
Aunt Natalee and Matt

Here are some of the fun things we did at the house through the rest of the month:

Climbed the Rock climbing wall
Yard work (it wasn't fun but Ricky was glad to help and get it done.)
Watched the deer from the house
Lincoln helped Tutus cook lots of food and bake yummy desserts
Played Spinners, Boggle and The Train Game
Played tennis

Drove the golf cart around Tutu's property...

 Went on walks and exploring...

Spent countless hours over the month riding the Green Tractor around... 
 The biggest hit of the trip for Lincoln was this machine.  He couldn't stay off of it.
 Logan was fearless on this thing. He never crashed into anything but he missed cars and the house my inches on numerous occasions.  We've been trying to figure out if he's just that talented or if it's all luck.  I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens when he turns 16. 

Target shooting...

Played with the dogs...

Played with Freckles...
They were buds but poor Freckles put up with a lot from both of the boys.

Ate dinners on the balcony...
Logan LOVED being outside on the balcony.  He ate many meals out there and just loves the outdoors.  This is one of my favorite pictures on Logan. Such sweetness!

Just played....
Tutu's piano is always a hit with the boys and provides non stop dancing entertainment.
 Tutu tended the boys a lot while we worked and Logan and Papa Tutu especially became buddies because of all of the early morning hours they spent together. 
 Logan played ball and rode his bike. 
 They also raced this cool little thing around the house. 
Lincoln loved baths in Tutu's huge tub. 
 Logan played in the flour, sugar, salt and powdered sugar drawer.  Never trust a silent two year old. 

We also did a lot of fun things in town:
Visited Grandma Tutu's office.
Saw Brave and Batman at the movie theater (Lincoln went with to see Brave but not Batman)

Discovered the BEST bread ever...
Our families new favorite bread. (The wheat is tasty too!) Made locally in ID, we'll be getting a loaf shipped to our house often.  YUMMY!! YUMMY!! 

Played at the Pocatello Museum of Clean...

 Don took the boys for a tour of the clock tower. 
 They played in the kids area before it's actually been opened to the public. 
Cute little chimney sweep!

Played at Outer Limits....

 Lincoln helped brother climb up by being a table for Logan to stand on.  It was such a proud moment to realize that Lincoln was willing to help Logan like that so they could go down the slide together. 
Nice form...he's been watching daddy.

Attended the Pioneer Day Celebration....
Bounce houses...

Our little Mutton Buster!!  
Lincoln was so brave and entered the mutton bustin' contest.  
He rode three times and did a great job. 
He ended with a pretty cool spill off the sheep but we are really proud of him for trying it and he said he had fun. 

I still worked for most of the time we were in Idaho. I did take a couple days off for the holiday and I took a week off so that Ricky and I could go on a vacation together. Ricky ended up working nearly full-time while we were in Idaho, picking up some project work for Live-Right and the Museum. He was able to take a week off too so we took a long overdue and much needed trip to Colorado. Reed and Sandi offered to keep the boys while we went so Ricky and I could enjoy some time together...kid free! Separate post to come for that trip.

Considering we were gone for a total of five weeks the time went by fairly quickly. There were a few bumps in the road, so to speak, but luckily we were able to move past them and enjoy our time. The boys seemed to have a great time and I always like for them to have the experience of spending time at their grandparents house. Idaho is so different from what they are exposed to in Phoenix that the change of pace, environment and activities is good for them. They're really close to Tutus so they love spending time with them. 

The view...a beautiful time of year to be in Idaho. 

I'm not sure our plan to escape the heat actually worked since it was a hot summer for Pocatello and a mild July for Phoenix. Now that we're back, temperatures have picked up considerably from what they were in July. Oh well, that's our luck. It's always nice to get away but we're glad to be home and getting back into our daily routines of work, school, everyone in their own beds, etc. There's something to be said for having structure and a little place to call home. We already look forward to seeing Tutus again and for our visit to Idaho next year! 

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