Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We Did It!

Hopefully I'm not jinxing us but I think at this point it's safe to say that Logan is potty trained!!  He still sleeps with a pull up on at night but more often than not he wakes up dry.  He went from being terrified to have a BM in the toilet, to going 3-5 times a day.  I think he just likes to try so that he can get a treat. It's been about two weeks so we're not totally out of it yet but there's already a relief from not having to change diapers constantly.  Soon enough we'll be able to go without the diaper bag.  What a fabulous day that will be.
Logan is also totally done with bottles.  It's been a month or two since he's had his morning milk in a bottle but I forgot to blog about it.  He made the switch to a sippy cup (which he was not happy about originally) and now there are days he won't even drink milk and would rather eat breakfast.  Logan is also totally off soy milk. Yay! He is processing regular whole milk without any issues which makes life so much easier for us and saves some money.
His third birthday is this weekend and he is definitely growing up. Everyday I feel like he's becoming more of a little boy than a baby.  It's a bitter sweet moment.  I look forward to him learning and growing but he is the baby of the family and we're quickly moving away from that stage of our lives.
 Successfully taking care of business.
 Little boy face.
He loves the ipad.

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