Tuesday, March 19, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

This is the first year that I've attempted to do anything special to celebrate St. Patrick's day besides just wearing green.  This year the boys are old enough that they were able to better understand and appreciate the day.  I tried to make the day a little extra special and fun so here's a few things we did...
The little leprechaun came to our house and left a top hat full of goodies for both Lincoln and Logan.  We tried to catch him but no such luck. 
 He brought the boys these cute ties that they wore to church that say "Party Like a Leprechaun."
 Here is a picture of the hats and the glow sticks.  He also left gold chocolate coins too. 
 For lunch we had green pancakes, green fruit and green gatorade.  Lincoln quickly pointed out to me that the bacon wasn't green but I decided I wasn't even going to attempt that one. 
 Green animal cookies for snack. 
 For dinner we had green pasta, green fruit, and artichokes. 
 Artichokes are one of Lincoln's favorite foods. 
 Logan tried artichokes for the first time and seemed to really like them. He just doesn't have the patience to sit and eat it. 
Green jello for dessert. 

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