Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Oh The Things Children Say

Here are a few funny things our children say that make us laugh that we actually remembered to write down.

We were quickly walking into the hotel while on our trip to Idaho when Logan was apparently in front of Lincoln and going too slow.  Lincoln said, "Will somebody please get this walking carpet out of my way?!"  (That's how you know he's a Phillips! He's five years old and quoting Star Wars.)

We were driving around running errands one day when it started to rain. Apparently Logan wasn't impressed with the speed in which Ricky was responding to the rain.
Logan said, "Hey, do you have any wipers up there?"

Lincoln was moving all of his apps around his ipad, spreading them over numerous pages and frankly making a mess of them.  When I asked him why he did that he innocently replied, "I did it to make room for more games."

We were out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant last night.  I started talking to Lincoln when he said, "Mom, sshhh.  (He was listening to a server speaking Spanish.) He speaks the minion language!"

This conversation took place between Ricky and Lincoln.

Lincoln: How about you and mom spend your own money and Logan and I can spend our own money.
Ricky: What are you going to spend your money on?
Lincoln: Legos! The more Legos we buy, the happier we be.

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