Thursday, August 28, 2014

Idaho - Part 7 (Cousin Time)

This year the boys got more time with their cousins over the summer than any before. It was nice that it wasn't all the cousins at once so that they could get some good quality time without having to compete with the larger group and could adapt based on who they were with.  A lot of times they kept themselves busy with their cousins so they weren't always looking for us to entertain them and gave the boy someone besides each other to play with.  It also meant that all of the adults had a chance to visit as well. Erica, Sadie and Esme even attended summer camp school with them so it was nice for them to share in those experiences and activities with each other.
 Lincoln, Logan, Esme and Penny having a picnic on Tutu's balcony. 
 Luckily for Lincoln, Esme knows a few things about Star Wars so they played that and then the boys would have to play prince and princess with the girls. 
 I don't know what the draw to the giant dirt mound was but the kids sure loved to be out there on it every day. They climbed up it, slid down it and even shoveled dirt from it.  
 Lincoln in red, Esme in pink and Logan in blue. 
 Penny liked to be driven around by Logan. 
 Different day - same ride.

Lincoln and Erica -  dinner at Arctic Circle followed by a tasty treat. 
It was a peaceful break when all the kids would take some time to play quietly on their iPads. They even learned a few new games from each other. 
Logan and Sadie with the capes they made at school for super hero week.
Sadie, Logan, Erica, Lincoln and Tutu

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