Saturday, October 18, 2014

State Fair

Ricky had a procedure earlier this week that he has been recovering from so I decided to take the boys to the AZ state fair for a few hours to give Ricky a quiet house. I love fairs. We had never been this fair before but the boys are finally old enough to have a lot of fun and make it a fun experience. Unfortunately, this fair is pretty small compared to the fairs in CA that we're used to but it was perfect for the boys.  We took some time to walk through the animal areas then they quickly blew through 100 tickets on rides, fun houses and games. I can't believe all of the crazy fair food that they have now. We went simple...the boys ate a hot dog, roasted corn and the boys had their first funnel cake.
Other than Logan not understanding that he couldn't go on every ride he saw (most of which because he was not tall enough or because I deemed them not safe) we had a very fun and memorable day.

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