Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ojai Trip

My last surviving grandparent, Grandpa Darel Eppich, passed away on November 21st. He was married to my Mom's mom, Sally. Even though he was not my biological grandfather, I've known him as my grandpa my entire life. They lived in Lancaster, CA and I have many fond memories visiting their house as a child. It is there that I would get to see my cousins, hang out and watch cable TV in the den and spend time with the extended family.

Due to some scheduling issues, we weren't able to attend his funeral but we were able to make a quick trip to CA for a family gathering a couple days later. We gathered at Aunt Alice's home in Ojai where I saw cousins, Aunts and Uncles that I haven't seen in probably six or seven years. Most of them had not met the boys previously. We had a wonderful time visiting and celebrating together.

Aunt Alice had lots of activities for the boys and their favorite part was camping in her fifth wheel trailer. It was nice for Ricky and I because I felt like the boys were actually old enough to play and entertain themselves for the most part. We enjoyed delicious food, a gingerbread decorating contest, a poem about healing/moving on, football, a walk in the lemon orchards and family games.

It was a last minute decision to go and was a long nine hour drive each way but I'm really glad we made the choice to go. Unfortunately I got super sick the day we were driving home and I sat with a barf bowl in my lap for the entire drive. It was a very long nine hours home. I'm still glad we went. It's a good reminder that our days on this earth are limited and we should enjoy family, friends and life while we can.
 Lincoln chillin' out to music on his iPad on the drive over. Hard to believe he's only 7...he thinks he's a teenager. 
 Ojai is somewhere I often visited as I was growing up so it's always a place I love to visit. 
 The boys in the camper...AKA "the fort." 
 On our walk in the lemon fields. I love seeing the beautiful mountains right next to us. 
 Grammy helped Logan decorate his awesome cookie!
 Lincoln won the prize for "best total package". I think he's too young to realize the pun behind the placement of that package decoration but one day he will look back at this picture and just laugh...we did!
Logan was so proud of his gingerbread man but his favorite part was eating all the candy as he decorated. 
 Everyone admiring the works of art before the winners were announced. 
 Ricky and Jared sporting their festive holiday glasses.
 Logan won the Stop sign for his job in the cookie contest and he couldn't be happier with it. He loves signs. 
Mom (Kree), Uncle Kim, Aunt Gail, and Aunt Alice (missing was Uncle Jess)

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