Monday, August 10, 2015


For the last couple of years we've signed the boys up for a crash course swim lessons. It lasts everyday for two weeks and is held through the city. This year they were at the Litchfield Park City pool.  Lincoln has shown significant improvement and can swim across the pool on his back. Logan still thinks he knows how to swim but quickly sinks. We will soon be enrolling them in full time year round swim lessons in preparation for a backyard pool one day.
Even though it was well over 100 degrees, it was still a pretty cold pool in the mid-morning.
 Lincoln swimming from his teacher to the wall under water. 
 Hanging at the pool waiting for brother's class to finish so he could start. 
 Logan learning to blow bubbles in the water. 
They used swim goggles for the first time this year. They did a few practice runs in the bathtub first. 
 Logan was also finishing up his gymnastics classes prior to going on summer break. 

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