Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Since this was our first Thanksgiving in our new home, and Reed and Sandy's last holiday with the family before they left on their mission to Amman, Jordan, we decided that we would host Thanksgiving dinner for the entire Phillips family. Seven of the eight children were able to come. JJ and Jennifer were being visited by her sister from England so they, understandably, were not able to make it. We started preparing weeks before by cleaning and shopping and decorating.  Reed and Sandy came to town the weekend before and helped us shop and prepare.

Everyone started arriving on Tuesday because Natalee was going to the temple for the first time on Wednesday morning and she invited the family to attend. Tuesday evening we had a nice dinner at Pei Wei with Troy and Nancee's family and Tutus. Wednesday morning Ricky and I stayed home, along with a babysitter, to tend the 16 children while the adults were at the temple. We watched movies, colored, played with the toys and had pizza for lunch.  That evening we hosted a Cafe Rio catered dinner at the house. Barratt, Marci, Ashley and Brayden arrived Wednesday evening after Barratt had heart surgery on Monday for a heart defect they found. All in all it was a crazy, wild, fun and successful day. We had Nancee and Barratt's family with us, in the boys rooms, along with Tutu's in the guest suit and Natalee's boyfriend, Toby, in the playroom pull out couch.  Everyone else was staying at the Wigwam Resort.

Thursday morning started off early with dinner preparations. Pies, rolls and other foods were being baked. The ham and turkey were in the oven. Everyone did their part to make the giant feast that we had. After all, we were cooking for 40 people!  We had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner around 2:00 pm with all the traditional fixings. In addition to the family that was already here for the week, Uncle Lee and Carol joined us and Bam Bam came by for dessert.

That afternoon, the kids played some basketball in the backyard, some of the kids went swimming at the hotel and others went for a walk or run. Some people took naps and others played games. We watched a little turkey bowl football as well.  We even managed to get a round of the train game in with Natalee, Toby, Ricky and I, late Thursday night.

Most everyone left on Friday afternoon and there were a couple of families that left on Saturday. I am told everyone enjoyed their time and was glad they came.  Even though Ricky and I were absolutely exhausted from hosting, I am glad were were able to host everyone and create some fun memories for all the siblings and cousins. I am not sure how you judge the success of an event like this but I said all along that nobody gets hurt and that nothing gets damaged beyond repair. Since we were able to accomplish that, I felt like it was a success.

On Friday afternoon we sent Tutu's off to CA where they would be leaving for their mission from the next day.  It was difficult to know that it would be two years before we get to see them and hard for the kids to really understand.  We took some nice pictures with them before they left and we'll hang those on the wall. Luckily we still get to talk to them weekly.

Erica, Esme and Sadie
Logan and Nathan
Watching Inside Out movie.
Uncle Lee started off the buffet line for dinner
Brayden, Sam, Spencer, J, Knox, Ashlee
We had a family devotional meeting Thanksgiving evening before Tutu's went to bed.
Logan being his typical silly self. 
Family music night in the library. 
Train game!
 Dinner on the patio in beautiful AZ weather.
 The cousins did a little performance for us.
 Kristin, Spencer, Sam and Roo
Watching movies
Friday morning Troy, Nancee and I went to Turkey Tennisize. It has become a tradition for us. Three or four years now. 
Logan is intrigued by Uncle Ryan's guitar. 
Last pictures with Tutu for a couple of years. 
These boys are going to be much taller when Tutu's come come. 
Friday afternoon we took Erica and Sadie with us to the movies to see The Good Dinosaur. We had a little dance party in the car on the way. 
After we cleaned up from having everyone here for Thanksgiving, we got out the Christmas decorations.  The above picture is the boys placing the first ornaments on the tree. 
This is a picture of the completed decorated tree. 

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