Tuesday, October 3, 2017

A Hole In My Leg

In July while in Idaho, we made a trip down to Salt Lake to visit a plastic surgeon. Ricky and I both had some moles on our faces that we wanted removed. While there, the doctor who is Kristin Phillips' brother, also told me he could treat my spider veins. Thanks to mom, I have inherited spider veins. I've had many of them my whole teenage and adult life. I was so excited to finally get rid of some of them. I had six treated including one small one on my right calf. When the needle was injected in that one, it hurt. The others hadn't hurt. I wore compression socks for two weeks to help with healing. Within a day it started to bruise and then as time went on, it because darker and eventually it was a large open wound. I was taking pictures to send to the doctor and what we believe happened is that some of the medicine didn't go into the vein so it instead killed the surrounding tissue instead. It was ugly and painful and has now left me with a significant scar that I am hoping will one day go away. I guess the good news is that because I have a scar you can't see my spider vein! I'm sure I would continue to get treatments but this sure makes me evaluate which ones really need treatment. Warning: gross pictures below.

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