Sunday, April 22, 2018

November Misc.

November was an incredibly busy month for our family. Birthdays, Logan's baptism, Tutu's in town for the whole month, hosting other family, school activities, piano lessons, cub scouts, homework, my regular work, Thanksgiving and the start of holiday activities. I love this time of year but there is no shortage of things to do and memories to make. Here is a snapshot of some of those things.
Lincoln's goal when Tutu's was here was to try lobster. Since Ricky and I don't like it (or even know how to do it since it grosses me out) I figured this was a perfect to let Tutus introduce him to. We planned a special trip to Red Lobster with the intention of completing this goal. It was a success - he tried lobster! He liked it at first but then after several bites decided he had had enough. He hasn't wanted to try it again since then and he now agrees with the rest of's rubbery and doesn't taste great. 
Logan was more excited about playing with the dead lobster shell then anything. I was super grossed out by it and he thought that was funny - as he jabbed out the eye ball trying to dissect the thing. 
Lincoln 2.0's mom had lunch with the kids one day at school and sent me these pictures.

Logan is a good kid and the kids in his class seem to really like him. I think partly because he's quick to make people laugh. 
This time of year there's a lot of great movies that come out. The boys and I end up at the theater a couple times a month. We love dates to the movies! This time we took Papa Tutu with us to see Thor. 
We found a new Lego Bricks and Minifigure store by our house. The boys like to go and get specialized hard to find guys and weapons. 
We've tried to FaceTime with our cousins more regularly. Oliver is holding the blue BBBT. 
I tool girl Tutu with me to a special Relief Society dinner. I was so impressed with the decorations and the details...including the pumpkin bread bowls for our soup! 

Who doesn't love children's handprint art? I know I do!
Michaela is the new band director at Willow Canyon High School. This year she started the first ever band jamboree for the school district. It was a fundraiser, and a competition between schools, and we went to support her. This was the first time the boys had ever seen a band field show. 
Back at the theater to see a much anticipated movie, Wonder! It was wonderful. I loved everything about this movie and the boys loved it too. I love movies that make you think, emotionally connect and have a great message to leave with.
 This Lego set is the one Lincoln got for his birthday. It took a little while but he got it all put together. 

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