Sunday, April 22, 2018

Tutu's 50th Anniversary - Part 1

Reed and Sandi have been married for 50 years. The one thing that they wanted for their anniversary was for all of the family to be together. They wanted updated family portraits and they wanted to have a slide show with pictures of the last 50 years. We took the weekend of their actual anniversary, December 15th, and flew up to Pocatello to celebrate with them. It was cold, snowing and oh ya, really cold!  The boys had a great time playing with their cousins. Tutus cut a cake that was a replica of their wedding cake. We had great food and the kids put on the Christmas Day play. The boys wanted to play in the snow so badly so we let them. They lasted about 20 minutes before they were purple and freezing so we made them go inside. We didn't have the right snow gear for such cold weather. They had a good time for the little while they were out there. I took advantage of trying to get some pictures with the while gorgeous snow as the background.
 The boys are such great travelers. They love airplanes and keep themselves entertained. Lincoln was Daddy's seat partner for this leg of the trip and Logan was mine.

 We prepped the boys that we would be flying on a small airplane from SLC into Pocatello. Luckily for us, the plane is bigger than the little 12 seater that it used to be. 
Lincoln was my seat mate from SLC to Pocatello. 
Reed and Sandi with all of their family (except Marissa, Sierra, and her husband, Devin).
Reed and Sandi with all of their grandchildren (except Sierra and Marissa).
All eight of the Phillips children.
Logan being Joseph.
Braden helped to narrate the play with the scriptures.

Lincoln was a wiseman.

The ski resort in Inkom behind the boys. 

Family portrait on the front balcony. 
I had this jar made for Tutu's and everyone put special notes, stories, appreciation letters in the jar for them. 
I think Logan looks, and has a personality, most like his cousin Ashlee. 

Logan loves Minnie and I would venture to say she sure loves him. 
Erica and Lincoln
Logan and his cousin Nolan. These two seem to get along really well and were great buddies all weekend. 

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