Thursday, August 13, 2009

Michaela's Wedding

It's official, Michaela is married.  We were in California last week for Michaela's wedding.  It was nice to see family and friends that we haven't seen in a while.  Lincoln was so excited to play with his cousins, Caden and Vance, and to play with the new toys at Grammy's house.  We tried to fit in as much in as possible while we were there. We spent a day at the Orange County Fair, went to Disneyland, met up with a few friends, went to the wedding and reception, attended church in Whittier and I had lunch with the girls from work while Rick met up with his buddies.  I'm not sure we could've squeezed in anything else.  Because of our move and Micah's wedding all happening within a month, we had to shorten our trip by a week.  Luckily now we're only a 5 1/2 hour drive to So. Cal. 
Now it's just two weeks away from Micah's wedding.  Nothing like being 7 months pregnant in two of your siblings wedding pictures!

Sorry, I know this is picture overload but I tried to just put in a little of everything.

New Orleans Square in Disneyland.  

Isn't he just the cutest!!  His room is all Disney Cars stuff so we waited in line to take his picture with Lightning McQueen and Mater.
Mr. Independent.  We are at that stage now where Lincoln wants to do his own thing.  We were walking onto the Monsters Inc. ride in California Adventure. 
Lincoln wanted to go on the slide really bad so it was either Rick go with his bad back or my and my prego belly.  As you can see...Rick had to go.

Lincoln ran up to this and knew exactly what to do - he was a few inches short though so daddy had to lift him up to see out.
Uncle Lee taught Lincoln to give "knuckles" so he's giving Uncle Micah "knuckles"
Extended Family
My siblings minus Genesis.  The photographer said squeeze in...this is my brothers idea of squeezing in. 
Michaela and Jared
Vance, Lincoln and Caden.  Lincoln's two cousins on my side of the family.

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