Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Keeping Busy

There's been a lot going on over the last couple of weeks. It's nice to be busy but Ricky and I keep laughing about how much there is to do and how little time there is to actually do it all. We laugh to help keep our sanity. Here are a few highlights from the last couple of weeks.

Lincoln got a new water table for the backyard and he LOVES it. He's spent hours out there and would be out there more if we let him. He wakes up asking to go play at the water table. Rick told him he had to come in one day because it was too cold so Lincoln ran in the house, put on his blue beanie and ran back out to play. Never mind the fact that he is soaking worries...the hat will keep him warm!

Logan tried rice cereal for the first time. I thought he was going to love it but he didn't. He spit it out and looked at me as if I were evil. After about the 10th bite he finally started to eat it without a disgusted look on his face.
After about the 10th bite he finally started to eat it without a disgusted look on his face. Lincoln was so excited that his brother finally was eating with a spoon!

Grandma and Grandpa Tutu came to visit and for a couple of days and they brought cousin Erica with them. We had a great time visiting with them.

Lincoln made a huge mess one night after eating a spaghetti dinner. He sees Logan taking baths in the kitchen sink (even though Logan is in the baby bath) so Lincoln wanted to try it. I figured it might be easier for me to sit him in the sink instead of trying to carry him upstairs to the bath without getting marinara sauce all over the carpets. He had a blast.

1 comment:

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Thanks for letting Erica to come play. she had a great time.