Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day

Our Valentine's day was a nice one.  Unfortunately I am/was sick but we still managed to enjoy ourselves. We are actually going out this weekend but I still wanted our actual Valentine's day to be nice. A few years ago we started the tradition of making dinner on V-day because the wait at restaurants is ridiculous.  Ricky made us a delicious chicken dinner.

I put a little treasure hunt together for Ricky that included clues from the last seven years of marriage.  Along with each clue was a gift and the clue to the next treasure. He got new T-shirts, books, itunes card, his favorite candy bars, and an battery powered pet spider. I got want every girl wants - diamond jewelry and chocolate covered strawberries! I also gave him a heart-attack.  Not literally.  I decorated Ricky's office with tons of pink and red hearts with all the reasons why I love him. In typical man fashion, it took Logan pulling hearts off of the walls and walking around with them before Ricky realized that they were in his office.  It was cute.

Our evening consisted of me going to tennis practice, Golden Spoon frozen yogurt and watching one of our favorite TV shows, House. It was an enjoyable day spent with the three boys I love most.  I'm truly blessed to have such a loving, supportive and wonderful husband and two precious sweet little boys.
 I'm a lucky girl!
Lincoln happened to be learning the letter "V" the same week as Valentine's Day.

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