Thursday, March 17, 2011

Conversations with Lincoln

Lincoln and I were in the car on the way home from a baseball game last night when this conversation took place.

Me: Lincoln, will you sing the bakery song for mommy?
Lincoln: No, mom you like Justin Bieber.  (he's right, I totally think a few of his songs are fun to listen to.)
Me: Okay, then sing Justin Bieber.  (he knows a few songs from his iphone that used to be mine.)
Lincoln: I don't know it.
Me: It goes, baby, baby, baby, oh.
Lincoln: No mom!  It goes, hhhhmmmm,  hhhhmmmmm.  (of course he's referring to the intro of the song and sings it as Justin does.)
Me:  Oh ya. hhhhmmmm,  hhhhmmmmm.  Baby, baby, baby oh.  Like baby....
Lincoln: Mom, Justin Bieber is too hard to sing. Only Justin Bieber can sing Justin Bieber.


Our next door neighbor Jon has a Harley Davidson motorcycle.  Lincoln and Ricky were talking about it and this conversation followed.

Daddy: Lincoln, who's motorcycle is faster, Jon's or daddy's?
Lincoln:  Hmm.  Daddy's is faster.
(Then he paused and thought for a minute and went back to Ricky.)
Lincoln: Daddy, your bike is faster but Ben Spies motorcycle is the fastest!

It's no secret who the favorite Moto GP racer is in our house!  The race season is starting and I think Lincoln might be as happy about it as daddy.  We like to watch the races together.

1 comment:

Freckles Phillips said...

Lincoln has the best memory! I can't believe the specific things he knows--like Justin Beiber and Ben Spies (who the heck is that??) hahah.