Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It Was Gone

This morning my heart fell into my stomach as I tried to log into my blog but instead was only able to view a screen with a web page stating my blog had been removed. It was gone! My initial thoughts were, What?!?!?  How could this happen??  Why did this happen??  Then it quickly changed to, How do I get it back??
I instantly felt sick. This was my journal.  This housed our most treasured pictures, experiences, milestones, thoughts, feelings....everything really.  In a way I felt violated as if someone stole something from me.
Luckily I've printed blog books for the last several years but I would've lost everything since January of this year.  What a nightmare that would have been.  I immediately jumped on the blogger discussion boards to figure out what I needed to do.  I was able to follow some directions, request a review and reinstatement of my blog.  Luckily, I'm back online!  I've been so worried about it.  Thankfully they were able to do it quickly so I didn't have to anxiously wait out the entire 48 hours they required to resolve it.  This was not a fun experience and I hope I don't have to go through that again.


Dana said...

Do you know why they removed it?

Dangcutekids said...

This happened on one of Spencer's blogs too. He called and they "found" it and reposted it, everything turned out okay. Scary though!

Freckles Phillips said...

I know I tried to comment on your blog yesterday and it said "not found". Scary! Glad you were able to get it back though.