Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Simple Things

Red Vines: $1.00
Red Box: $1.12
Time with my hubby after a hard day: priceless
This is how I know my husband loves me.  Saturday went all wrong.  Our plans for a fun filled day went to pot when our boys decided to have one of the worst days they've had in a long time.  I don't know what happened except that we ended up being home all day and Rick and I were exhausted from dealing with two little grumpy boys that wouldn't eat or sleep. Later that evening, once the boys were in bed, Ricky went and picked up a movie and some red vines. It's the simple things sometimes that just make a terrible day suddenly a little better.


Ligia said...

hope everything is all better now. Funny movie.

The King Family said...

Ahh, what a sweet hubby! So, how was the movie? Hope you had some good laughs after a rough day. I can totally sympathize darling!