Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Little of Everything

A couple weekends ago we went to Tucson to cousin Erica's 4th birthday party.  We just went down for the day and we had a lot of fun celebrating with her.  Lincoln had a great time playing with all the kids and Logan loved being in the backyard.  Right as we were about to leave a monsoon like storm rolled in.  Pee size hail dropped from the sky and the winds ripped through the area. Of course we ended up driving right through it for a couple hours.  The rain came so hard and fast that I'm sure there were times Ricky couldn't see more than a few feet in front of him. Since I couldn't sleep I kept busy trying to capture the lightning in pictures.  Pictures will never do it justice but it was sure exciting to see. 

Logan is loving school.  He is really happy there and has a lot of fun doing all of the projects.  His teachers commented on how well he holds the paint brush, crayons, etc. Good form, son!

Ricky spent a couple hours cleaning the car last weekend so that meant he automatically got two helpers.  Our boys cannot stand to be inside if daddy is outside working.  They think they need to be right next to him doing everything he's doing.  I can't wait until they get older and the two of them can do this project together without dad.  I'm sure Ricky will be excited when that day comes!

1 comment:

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

So glad you came. Sorry you had such a terrible drive home. We had a lot of fun with you. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks.