Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Transitions, Adjustment and Growing Pains

This last week has been an interesting one at our house.  We all seem to be going through some sort of an adjustment.  Some being easier to deal with than others.  Over the weekend Logan bed went from a crib to a day bed.  It's an converting crib so the front panel comes off.  It got to the point that we were worried he would try to climb out of his crib and hurt himself.  We lined the floor next to his bed with pillows in hopes that they would break his fall if he fell out of the bed. Sure enough, he did fall out the first night (a couple times) and the pillows were there to cushion the fall.  The second night he did much better. I think he will adjust quickly.  It will be nice when we're confident enough to take away the pillows.

Lincoln is growing like a weed. I feel like once a week he wakes up in the morning and he's noticeably taller than the day before. Unfortunately with all of that growth, comes growing pains.  The poor little guy often wakes up crying because his bones hurt.  Daddy gives him some medicine and massages his legs. We always knew he would be tall, I just didn't realize that he would have to deal with growing pains. He takes a vitamin supplement that is supposed to help with bone growth but we'll have to figure out something else to help him as well. It's not fun for him to experience and it's hard for us as parents to watch helplessly.

A few days ago Ricky and I decided that we were going to try and live on a budget. That's not to say that we weren't before but this time we were going to be more aggressive with it than we've been previously. I don't like when people talk money on their blogs but since this is my journal and an adjustment for me I figured I should capture this time for memory sake.
We had a great summer but now with birthdays (all four of ours) and the holidays coming up, we decided that we need to be more careful about where our money is going.  We've always been good about not carrying debt - outside our house and car.  That's been important to both of us and sometimes that means we go without some of our wants in order to make that happen.  Debt can so easily get out of control and we've been able to manage it so that we don't put ourselves in that situation. I truly believe the way one is raised will greatly impact their financial choices for the rest of their life - good or bad. Living on a strict budget is hard for me. It's not a secret that I didn't have a lot of extras growing up. I don't think I've ever been reckless with money and I do good to use coupons or discount codes if I have them, although I don't allow that to necessarily dictate what I buy.  I've worked hard and established my career to ensure that I can provide for my family. The hardest part for me is telling my boys (hubby included) no when it comes to something they want. (Although, that is just another reason why this exercise is good for our entire family. I do have spoiled boys!) Bottom line is that our needs are met so I'm very grateful.  We've been blessed. I am in no way complaining. I know it's a temporary adjustment and won't last forever but it's a good exercise for us to go through for now.

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