Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Too Tempting

A few days ago Ricky took Lincoln to ACE Hardware with him to pick up a few things. After Ricky made his purchase and was heading out he noticed Lincoln, with his hands behind his back and a mischievous look on his face, pass the counter and head for the exit doors.  Ricky clearly knew something was up.  He asked Lincoln what he had behind his back. "Nothing." Lincoln replied. After Lincoln continually denied that he had anything, Ricky was able to see that Lincoln had this....
a package of Now and Laters that he was hiding....trying to sneak them out of the store. Really??  Ricky couldn't believe it.  He immediately, with multiple other customers and workers around,  had a conversation with Lincoln about not taking things we didn't pay for. Ricky, being the good dad that he is, end up buying the candy to show Lincoln the right thing to do.  Lincoln didn't get to eat the candy right away but I hope he learned his lesson.  I never doubted that these little boys would cause some mischief at some point. Luckily he's still little and learning so we are able to teach some valuable lessons. Hopefully we won't be dealing with this one again!

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