Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Birthday, Ricky!

It's the big 4 - 0 today!  He's been dreading this day for a while and for some reason the number 40 seems to have brought a slight damper to the birthday celebration.  We have a fun day planned though and I'm so excited to share it with him.
Ricky is an amazing husband and father.  He has wonderful qualities that allow him to support and love us unconditionally. Our boys love their daddy so much even though they don't always show it.  He is my best friend, my biggest supporter and my love.  We are so grateful to have him in our lives.
Happy Birthday, honey.  We love you!!
 I don't have a lot of early childhood pictures handy but here's one when he was little. 
 In his 20's - yes, he had long hair. 

2002 - When we were dating.
 2003 - Honeymoon in Hawaii.

 2004 - Our trip to NYC
 2006 - There's that smile that I love!
 2007 - Days after back surgery.  
 2007 (two weeks after back surgery) - Holding Lincoln the day he was born. Proud daddy!
 2009 - Holding Logan in the hospital the day he was born.  
 2011 - Motorcycles is his hobby.  He's going out for a 9 day trip. 
2011 - My sweet and handsome blue eyed boys!

1 comment:

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Happy Birthday Rick! Hope you guys have a good celebration.