Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Viva Las Vegas

The ABC kids show was in Las Vegas this year so Rick headed up early Monday to set up the Baby Banana Brush booth.  Most of those that were involved somehow with the company, spent at least part of the week in Vegas working the show or tending kids so their parents could work at the booth.  The boys and I flew up Wednesday evening.  The boys loved the plane flight and it was by far their best flight yet.  Luckily for us the plane was only a 1/4th full so we had the back of the plane to ourselves. I had a huge bag of activities and snacks prepared for our time at the airport and for during the flight - I never pulled it out once. We spent our time at the airport eating dinner and watching planes take off and land. Once we were on our flight the boys watched shows on their ipads, ate the mini snack pretzels and had their Sprite from the drink service.  The short flight was over before we knew it and they were excited to watch out the window as we landed.

While in Vegas we kept ourselves quite busy.  The first full day we hopped on the monorail which I'm sure was Logan's favorite part of the trip. He was always so eager and excited to ride it and was quite intrigued by the tracks and the train itself. We rode it down to the MGM to go to the M&M Factory where we watched a cute little 3D movie and shopped.  Then we went over to the Coke Factory where for the first time we let the boys have Coke in a Coke Float and of course they loved it. They also got their picture with the Coca Cola bear.  Later that evening Lincoln and I had a special date night.  We went to Rainforest Cafe for dinner and then went to see Blue Man Group at the Monte Carlo.  Right after the show, Lincoln turned to me and gave me a big hug and kiss and said, "thanks for bringing me to this show. I loved it. My favorite part was the whole thing!"  It was priceless.  He really was engaged the entire time. He was dancing to the beat in his seat.  It was a really fun night for us.

The next day we headed out for a full day of adventure.  Marissa and Mallory joined us for the day.  We started off with a quick bite to eat before we jumped in a taxi over to Circus Circus.  (Logan also loved riding in the taxi.) Despite the fact that it was near arctic temperatures in the building, the kids had a great time.  They ran from ride to ride and game to game. The older girls did a great job of making sure the boys were safe on all the rides. After a few hours of fun we headed over to Cesar's Palace for lunch before heading back to our hotel for a rest. That evening we took the four kids to the Tournament of Kings dinner and show at Excalibur.  I have to admit that the show was really lame but the kids loved it.  The dinner was surprisingly better than I expected.  It was a very fun and memorable night.

 Lincoln with Toby Keith at his "I Love This Bar"

Our last day in town we ventured over to the Mirage with just our family to see the Secret Garden. Unfortunately the boys weren't as impressed with the tigers, leopards and Lions as much as Ricky and I were but they did seem to really like watching the dolphins.  We at lunch at CPK in the Mirage where the boys thought they were pretty special because they got a big boy rootbeer bottle. We hit up the Sugar Factory for a few treats for the ride home.

Our drive home was simple, easy and uneventful.  Logan slept for the first two hours of the drive before dinner and Lincoln slept for the last two hours after dinner. It worked out well because we had NO fighting at all.  It was actually a pretty pleasant ride home. Being that it was the first time we'd taken the boys to Vegas I think we all had a lot of fun.  It's a lot of work and walking to get two little guys around that town but we created some special memories so it was all worth it.  Logan is already asking to go back and ride the monorail...I'm not surprised.

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