Saturday, October 12, 2013

Another One Gone

Lincoln lost his second tooth today.  It happened a bit unceremoniously. He told me sometime last week that he thought it was loose and I of course told him to leave it alone.  Today, Logan's knee somehow ended up hitting Lincoln's mouth jarring Lincoln's tooth quite loose.  It was bleeding all over the place and was all but out.  I gave him a cold rag to help stop the bleeding and finished up whatever I was doing.  About 30 minutes later Lincoln yells to me to come downstairs to see something.  I get down there and he had pulled out his own tooth.  He wasn't crying or anything.  He just wanted a bag for it. It was then that I realized his adult tooth is already coming up into the spot where he lost his tooth a couple weeks ago.  Another sign that my little baby boy is growing up!

Lincoln has been trying to negotiate with the Tooth Fairy about how much money his teeth are worth.  He asked us how much we thought he'd get for his 1st tooth and we told him probably a dollar.  He asked us if we could text the Tooth Fairy to see if she would give him more.  When daddy told him that the Tooth Fairy said $2 was all he'd get, Lincoln decided it wasn't worth it and that he'd rather keep his tooth.  Now he put both teeth under his pillow tonight with a note asking the Tooth Fairy if he could please keep his teeth.  I never knew that was an option when I was a kid.  I also got pocket change for my teeth. I guess times have changed.

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