Sunday, December 21, 2014


I love traditions, especially ones specific to the holidays. This year I started a new tradition with the boys. We went to the paint your own pottery store and painted christmas ornaments. Originally the thought was that I was going to give them aways as gifts but I decided I wanted to keep them.  The boys did so good and the ornaments turned out awesome. I am so proud of them. It was Lincoln's suggestion that we do this activity every year. I had to agree!
Logan chose to paint a Christmas tree.
Lincoln chose to paint a snowman. 
Logan was fascinated by the idea that our pottery was going to be fired. The owner was so sweet and showed him what the inside of the kiln looked like. 

 The boys both did their ornaments 100% by themselves. I think they turned out fabulously. 

I also got to attend our third annual Fab Five girls Christmas PJ dinner at Bam Bam's house. This has become a tradition that I look forward to every year. It came at the perfect time for me this year because I really needed the girl time. As always, we have a blast together and this time was no you can see from the pictures. 

 Debbie, Bam Bam, Me, Karethand Kristy
 Kareth's daughter Shannon joined us for a bit at the end so she jumped in the picture opportunities. 

The night before was our annual tennis team Christmas party. This is a crazy, fun and special group of women. I look forward to getting back on the court with them next year!

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