Sunday, December 21, 2014

Everyday Activities Recently

No matter how well you prepare, this time of year always seems like such a busy time. Here are a few things that we've been up to.

 This is a glimpse of how we've been living the last five weeks. Boxes and minimal furniture. They are loving all the extra space to play with their toys. 
 I got to go on date night with Lincoln.  I love spending one on one time with the boys. I think it's important and special. He, of course, chose to eat dinner at his favorite place - Red Robin. 
 He also got spoiled with a refillable rooter float.  No wonder he hardly ate any dinner. Oh well, there's always tomorrow for dinner. 
 I got a pedicure and Lincoln got 30 minutes in the massage chair. He sat there and relaxed for a while and read a book and visited with me. It was super sweet. 
 Logan got some bike riding time in. 
 I got a night out with the boys and we ended up where else??...Red Robin. Lucky for me it was about five days after date night with Lincoln there. I can't be too disappointed because they eat so well there. 
 Building lots of Lego sets. Logan holding the Christmas tree set. 
Logan's favorite part of his new set was this train. He's been carrying it around for days. 

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