Sunday, December 21, 2014

Utah Trip

Last week Ricky and I had a whirlwind trip to Utah for a Live-Right Company party. We were literally gone for 24 hours. We dropped the boys at school headed to the airport and was back by 10:00 am the next morning. Thankfully my sweet friend kept the boys after school and over night. They played with Dylan and Sadie and had a fun time. Ricky and I crammed some furniture shopping in and then headed to downtown SLC to get ready for the party.

The party was held at the Lion House which served a delicious three course meal. We got to meet with all of the employees at Live-Right, some of which are not family and that we haven't met before.  It was a really pleasant evening and even though it was way too short of a trip, it was fun for us to get away for a night.
 All decorated for Christmas in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. 
Dinner with the team at the Lion House.
 Ricky next to the statue of CR Savage...his great, great, great maternal grandfather who was a famous photographer during his time. 

 After the dinner we went to view the lights on temple square and we sat and listened to a choir sing in the old tabernacle. It was a beautiful way to end the night. 

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