Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ricky!

This year was a low key birthday for Ricky.  His mom, dad and sister were here and I was off work so we got to enjoy lots of time together.  He chose In-N-Out for lunch, he went to a Bible Museum while Natalee and I had the boys at Chuck E Cheeses, and then he and I went out shopping and to dinner to celebrate.  We tried Elephant Bar, which was okay - I wasn't overly impressed. It wasn't much but it was nice to just spend some time together for the evening.  Next years going to be a big one!

Happy Birthday, Ricky!!

Family Pictures
We got our family pictures from our photo shoot in November with Kim in CA.  They deserve their own post but since I'm adding them later and I want them to be in my blog book, I had to add them to an existing post.  So, here they are!
 At least everyone is looking but no smiles from the boys.
Logan was so squirmy.  It was nap time and he wanted down.
Daddy put him down...upside down.  
Who knew it would be so hard to get a family picture with just four of us?!
This is what we ended up with.
I love the pictures with Ricky and me. They were a fun excuse to cuddle in the park.

Lincoln decided to grace us with his presence on this one and I think it's adorable.
We haven't taken pictures like this since our engagement and wedding so it was kind of a fun flashback to those days. 
 We took these pictures on his birthday.  He's showing you that he's 3!
I love this little boy!
 He was fascinated with the leaves.
He just turned one and is a solid little guy for his age.
He is my sweet angel. I love this little guy too!
He is all boy.  He loved the leaves, dirt, sticks, whatever he could find.  He is a curious one.

1 comment:

Freckles Phillips said...

Happy Birthday Rick Pick! Your present will be having the weekend off. And hanging out with me, of course. :)