Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring is Here!

It was a beautiful 80 degrees or so over the weekend so we thought it would be a perfect time for the water table.  The boys love to be outside and the water table definitely keeps their attention.  It takes about 10 minutes before they realize they have more fun splashing each other than actually playing with their toys in the water.  Logan is a good sport and lets Lincoln douse him - and then they both laugh for a few minutes before doing it again. They are definitely interacting better with each other each day.  I think it will get even better when Logan starts to talk more and once they learn they can still play together without being in each other's personal space.  We're working on that. I expect that we will get a few more months of great backyard fun before it gets too hot out.
This is the process...
Watch brother soak himself and wait your turn.
Stand there while brother soaks you.
Giggle and laugh.
Wait your turn to do it again. 
He told me to put my camera away so that he could get me wet.  It was a good idea but didn't work this time. 
The face of an angel.  Even if he wasn't feeling well. 
By the end of it Logan had had enough. I wouldn't normally take pictures of my crying kids but I think he is still so adorable when he cries and I wanted to get a good picture of all those teeth!  He has two more coming in now. 
Come inside and try to get warm.  Even though it was 80 degrees Logan still ended up with purple lips after being wet.

1 comment:

Freckles Phillips said...

The boys are playing so well together! I love it! I can't believe its warm enough for you guys to bust out the water table. Its still snowing here! Logan's teeth are seriously too cute! It looks like he has a bunch coming in though.... poor little guy.