Monday, July 25, 2011

Conversations With Lincoln

In the mail today we received a package that contained a couple old pictures of Ricky. If you didn't know, back in the day (early-mid 90's) Ricky used to have long hair. His friend Mark was taking a photo class and he used Ricky as his model. I held up the below pictures to show Lincoln.

Me: Lincoln, who is this guy?
Lincoln: Jesus!
Me: What about this one? (as I showed him the second picture)
Lincoln: Well, it looks like Aunt Nancee.

Ricky and I just laughed. It's so true that kids say it exactly how they think. It made perfect sense. A guy with long hair reading scriptures must be Jesus. If it's not Jesus then it must be a girl since they have long hair. I think Nancee (Rick's sister) have a lot of similar facial features. Typically I'm not a fan of guys with long hair so I'm just glad Ricky cut his long hair before we started dating.
Yesterday Lincoln ran into the bathroom and went about his business. As normal protocol, when he's done and ready to be wiped he will call for Ricky's or me to come in. Ricky was the lucky one yesterday. I was sick and sitting in the living room listening to this conversation.
Lincoln: Look, I did a big long load.
Ricky: Ya, that is a big long log.
Lincoln: Yep, I did a Lincoln log!  Let me flush the Lincoln log.

(I guess I will have to get used to certain guy talk like this.  We are pretty open in our house but I don't think we would be having conversations like this if I was in a house full of girls!)


Freckles Phillips said...

I told everyone the Lincoln Log story at the house and they thought it was hilarious. He's such a funny little dude!

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Thanks Lincoln, I think. Glad I look like a "model" of some sort at least.