Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Garage Sale

On Saturday we held our first ever garage sale. We worked for weeks to de-junk and de-clutter the house. I’ve been making signs, cleaning and organizing everything. We advertised on multiple websites along with posting street corner signs. It was actually more work than we anticipated.
We were up at 6:00 am (which by itself is a big deal) and then we opened for business at 7:00 am and it was quickly a mad house. I didn't realize how big the garage sale business is! At first I wasn't very comfortable with negotiating but now I'm a pro. It's interesting what people choose to spend their money on and what they think is a good price. I'm sure there is a good psychological study out there about garage sale shoppers. Its pretty intriguing to me to watch.  I also learned I don't have to sell anything at a price I'm not happy with. They can take it or leave it at the price I ask for it.
Overall we did really well. The goal wasn't necessarily to make tons of money but more so to de-junk, teach Lincoln the importance of de-junking and to make a little cash for the big valuable items we had. It's hard to sell blankets, jackets and long sleeve shirts when it's over a hundred degrees outside. We ultimately sold about 85% of what we put out. We will donate the remaining items which is what we normally do when we de-junk on a monthly basis anyways.
I don't know that we'll do another garage sale anytime soon but this time it was worth it and I'm glad we did it. Now we are off to buy Lincoln some Legos with the money he earned from selling his old toys and clothes.
I didn't think to take a picture until an hour into it so all our big ticket items were already gone.

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