Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lincoln's School Pictures

Lincoln has almost completed his second month at the preschool.  It's so much like regular school since it's done through the school district so there's, PTA, recess, scholastic book orders and school pictures. It requires much more involvement then a daycare/preschool but I think it's fun.  Lincoln's been putting on some pretty fun faces recently when we ask him to smile so we were a little nervous about what his pictures would ultimately look like.  I can see him as the class clown one day.  Anyway, I think they turned out nicely.
Note to self...only the top half of the shirt ends up in the picture so it didn't matter that his shorts or the bottom half of the shirt with the design were really cute! Maybe next time. 


Freckles Phillips said...

Oh my gosh he looks like he is 10 years old! Still cute, but way grown up!

Ligia said...

I laughed at the *note* That's totally something I would have thought as well.

Kim said...

Just wanted to let you know that I was looking at you blog the other day when Liam came over to see what I was doing. He stood smiling at the pic pf Lincoln on the screen. I asked if he knew who it was. After a silent pause, I said, "that's your friend Lincoln". Liam looked at me and said, "I know! I love my friend Lincoln!" So, much love from CA!

The King Family said...