Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Camping - Sort Of

If you want to go camping but the thought of cold showers, dirt, bugs and chasing two little guys around the campsite sounds like too much mess and work....just escape to the wonders of your backyard!!  On Thursday I decided that we should go camping at the Grand Canyon.  By the time I evaluated everything and came back to reality, I realized that wasn't going to happen this weekend.  Ricky decided that he'd put up the tent in the backyard for the boys to play in for the afternoon and then he and Lincoln could sleep in it.  Logan and I slept in the house, in our warm, soft beds.  It worked out well since I've been recovering from a terrible migraine for the last couple of days.
As expected, the boys loved the idea of playing in the tent and Lincoln thought he was pretty lucky to sleep  in the tent with daddy.  He had his binoculars, his flashlight and his teddy bear so he was definitely set. Ricky didn't sleep too well but Lincoln did and he had a fun time. I hope next time we pull out the tent it's to really go camping somewhere fun...like the Grand Canyon!

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