Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

The days are warm (not burning hot) and the evenings are cool...fall is finally here and it's Halloween!  We've had a very busy weekend with three Halloween parties and we'll be trick-or-treating tonight! 

My subway art. 
 We went with a Star Wars theme this year - My little Clone Trooper and Ewok! 

They both wore their costumes proudly and thought they were pretty special - and they are!
Logan did a fun ghost project at school. The picture above is him making the ghost below.
Lincoln's festive fall pumpkin collage he made at school.


Freckles Phillips said...

Just when I thought my boys couldn't get any cuter! That ewok costume is to die for. Love it!

The King Family said...

CUTE! I don't know where you find the time or the energy!