Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Logan Turns 2

Last week Logan turned 2! For one week I have a 2 and a 3 year old - kinda fun. He is growing so quickly...I know I say that a lot but it's so true.  Logan is such a sweet boy but I think the terrible two's are creeping in.  I don't understand why that has to happen but we are at that phase in life.
Here are a few things about Logan:

  • Height: 35.2 inches (69%)
  • Weight: 28 pounds (49%)
  • Head: 48.5 cm (44%)
  • BMI: 15.88 (29%)
  • It's very possible the he could be left handed.  He eats often with his left hand.  He throws just as good left handed (maybe even better) than he does with his right.  We'll have to wait and see!
  • Nickname from Mommy:  Bubba and Sweet pea
  • Nickname from Daddy: Logos.
  • He is a great eater.  He out eats his brother most of the time.  Some of his favorites are chicken fries, bananas, cereal, fruit snacks, graham crackers and pasta. He's not really fond of cheese or vegetables but were working on it. Without a doubt this kid loves sugar.  He still has a soy milk bottle a couple times a day, including one in the morning between 3:00 - 6:00 am.
  • He loves music.  Logan has incredible rhythm, is captivated and calmed by good music and has the cutest dance moves a two year old could have. Those hips can move!
  • Even though Logan appears to be shy he really is quite social.  He isn't afraid of the bigger kids and will jump into a group easily. Having said that, he is quite close to mom and dad and willing to give kisses (especially butterfly kisses) and cuddle. 
  • He wears 3T tops and 2T bottoms.  Logan does not like wearing shoes. He will put on his Crocs if he's walking but he will take off any socks or shoes he has on once he's in the car or at home. 
  • Logan has a serious attachment to his white blankly - well, it used to be white.  We've tried to kick the habit but it's not worth the fight at this point.  He loves it.  It will be in his hands when he's home 95% of the time. 
  • We have a little chatter box.  He loves to talk.  He's at the stage of putting several words together.  His pronunciation of words is quite good for his age. He loves to read and do puzzles but really isn't into toys, other than the Legos that Lincoln builds for him.
  • Outside is Logan's favorite place to be.  He can't get enough of it. On walk, in the yard, even driving, he just loves to be out and about. 
  • TV has really kept Logan's attention until recently.  He'll now watch about 10 minutes at a time, especially if Lincoln is watching with him.  His favorite shows are Mickey Mouse Club House, Chugginton and Little Einsteins. 
  • Logan's teeth are adorable.  In October he went to the dentist for the first time and got a thumbs up from Dr. Jane.  No cavities, teeth are all in, including the back 2 year molars he just cut. He's is now the official poster boy for the new Baby Banana Sharky Toothbrush.  
  • Our bedtime routine is an easy one because once we lay him down he is almost immediately silent and goes to sleep quite quickly.  He sleeps from about 7:30 pm - 6:30 am with a two hour nap during the day. He's now sleeping in a big boy day bed and has only fallen out a couple o times but that was within the first week that we transitioned him.
  • I'm constantly amazed by how cute and lovable Logan is.  He has such a fun personality and he already has a great sense of humor. Logan idolizes Lincoln and looks up to him.  He wants to be around him every minute that they're home together.  The boys are just at the point that they're stating to wrestle and play together and it's definitely fun to watch.  The quote in our house..."Brothers are Best Friends."  I truly hope it stays that way.  
Here are a few pictures from the last month or so.

Sass and sarcasm.
Thank goodness for the pillows but I think he's mastered staying in bed. 
He loves his school and doing all of the activities they have for him. 

 There's the blanket!
He made friends with this little Lego guy and when I can into the room he was making him talk. Adorable.

Logan, we love you and we knew you were the key to completing our family. You bring joy, happiness, frustration, laughter, adventure, danger, sweetness and love to our family.  We love you dearly! Happy birthday sweet boy! 

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